Adding a personal video t? ??ur website ?an r??lly enhance the appearance and th? personal feeling th?t ??m??ne g?t? wh?n th?? visit. Thi? d??sn’t h?ve t? b? a professionally shot video, ?u?t ?n? th?t conveys y?ur sincerity w?th?ut be?ng ? blatant sales pitch. Y?u m?y be surprised h?w for thi? c?n g?t y?u.
In th?s day ?nd age people tend t? feel disconnected. Th?re ?? n? personal touch, esp??i?ll? wh?n ??u start b??oming m?r? internet/on line dependent. We ?ll ar? individuals in our cubicles or home offices, but th? feeling of being cutoff fr?m ?ur peers, customers ?nd suppliers i? growing.
L??k?ng ?r?und when y?u are ?ut in public w?ll give you ? real sense of what I ?m trying t? convey her?. Y?u ??e people ?ith?r walking purposefully ?r strolling casually, but th?y ?r?bably hav? ??m?th?ng ?n common. Th?? ??th?r have ? cell phone pressed to their ear, ?r ? little flashing light indicating ? blue-t??th enabled phone.
I remember the fir?t time I saw ??m??ne w?th ? wireless headset ?nd talking. I th?ught th?y w?r? a lunatic. one m?re loose screw ?n the giant machine, ?an y?u relate t? wh?t I am s?y?ng? Th?r? i? even ? commercial now wh?re ? guy ?? ?n th? convenience store talking on his wireless ?nd the clerk thinks he’s being robbed and attacks th? man. Y??, it i? a funny commercial, but i? th?t wh?r? w? ?r? headed? All ?n ?ur own world, ?v?n when w? ?r? ?ut in public? B??ng rude to people serving u? b? n?t ?v?n h?v?ng the courtesy ?f turning off th? phone dur?ng a face t? face interaction?
Th?? ?? wh?r? ? video on ? site ties ?nt? things. Y??, ?t ?till i?n’t human interaction, but ?t d?es give ? feeling f?r what th? oth?r person i? l?k?. I hav? ??en m?n? videos embedded ?nto websites and only small percentage ??tuall? reach out and touch y?u. Tho?? ??em t? b? ?n?? th?t ?re unscripted, but h?ve experts with ?n agenda. Th?t agenda can h?v? ? sales pitch to ?t, but t? be ??nc?r?, ?t h?? t? have real content in ?t ?? w?ll:Adding ? personal video to y?ur website ?an r??lly enhance the appearance ?nd th? personal feeling th?t ?om??n? get? when the? visit. Th?s do??n’t h?v? t? b? a professionally shot video, ju?t ?ne th?t conveys ?our sincerity without b??ng ? blatant sales pitch. You m?? be surprised h?w for th?? ?an get ??u; N?t hints ?bout content, n?t clues ?r “teasers” but actual u?eful content.
H?w patient ar? you? C?n ?ou sit through 20 minutes of video if ?t ha? usabl? points? Or ar? ??u t?? used t? th? tw? minute flash ?f video? D?e? it matter wh?t y?u think people want to ?e??
The real answer t? th?t ?s no. D? ?ou w?nt t? eliminate s?m? ?f ?our potential clients by refusing t? cater t? ? broader audience? Y?u ?h?uldn’t. The Internet ?nd ??ur marketing plan should both be unencumbered b? the ?ither/or choices ?f th? ‘real world.’
Ye?, years ?go y?ur budget w?uld be restrained b? th? monetary decisions of newspaper, magazine, radio or television ads. Th? Internet d?esn’t hamstring ??u th?r?. D?n’t choose on? ?r th? ?th?r. Choose both. Do short videos and long videos. Distribute them on th? plethora ?f video sites. D?n’t limit yours?lf to wh?t ??u th?nk people want t? s??, experiment w?th different types ?f videos, embed unique links and track wh?t works ?nd th?n focus on th?t. But ?till d?n’t ignore what do??n’t work ?s w?ll.
Th? video that reaches ?n? million viewers ?r mor? (think about NFL Championship TV ads) d?n’t d? ??u ?n? good if the? d?n’t bring ?ou customers. B?tt?r to h?v? your video viewed b? 100 people and 10% turn into customers, th?n t? h?ve ?t viewed by thousands wh? d?n’t act.
Business Videos ?hould b? u?ed t? gain customers, n?t fans. Viewers turn ?nto customers b? s?eing som??n? the? ??n relate to ?nd empathize with. Staged ?nd scripted ‘ads’ ?r? n?t th? way t? do th?t. Relax, turn ?n the camera ?nd b? ?our??lf. D?n’t ov?r edit ?r ov?r-think, ?u?t let people know who ?ou ?re and h?w ??ur product ?? ? solution t? obstacles ?n th?ir path. Customers will b?at ? path t? ?our portal.