Category Archives for "Cyber Security"Information on Cyber Security Issues
Information on Cyber Security Issues
Continuing this series on Cyber Security aimed at home users in particular. It is for those of you who know that this is becoming a bigger issue day by day. Many people know they ought to be doing something but are unsure what needs to be done and where to start. Today we look at some basic Internet Security guidelines and give 8 basic website security tips.
This is the beginning of a series on Cyber Security aimed at home users in particular. It is for those of you who know that this is becoming a bigger issue day by day. Many people know they ought to be doing something but are unsure what needs to be done and where to start. Today we start with one fundamental, your eye on the web. Your browser.
Continue readingSecurity is an area when you are starting is something you should really consider. There are hackers and spammers that can ruin your experience. You will waste time getting rid of spam posts that need to be purged daily. If you are just starting it may seem that you are getting real comments on the Blog and time will be wasted .
Below is a review Podcast of some of the security plugins available. I found. It is a little old but it provides a very good overview of the free plugins available. It shows the good the basic and also gives a fair review of the issues.
Some good advice here. One thing especially the advice on backing up your Blog. It is simple once you know how. The Podcast is not mine , just some information that everyone should take note of.