You can be sure no one was just reading their newspaper with this flight safety briefing.
Source: These hilarious flight announcements prove nothing grabs attention like laughter – Sparkol
Good way to make people pay attention
The staff pick from Vimeo shows what you can do with video techniques. Who needs CG.
Source: Ink Mapping: Video Mapping Projection on Tattoos, by Oskar & Gaspar in Vimeo Staff Picks on Vimeo
Maybe localized ads will use this more.
It seems like a silly question when you are bombarded with information that Video Marketing is the way to go. Some of the data shown in the article I am sharing with you below shows how many people , 64% of consumers, use YouTube to review and check out products before they buy.
Putting video into e-mails is an area that has had some issues in the past. As part of a Video Marketing campaign it seems like a good idea. However, it is fraught with issues such as being read as Spam by providers. The Article below gives some pointers on what to do to make it work.
Animoto allows Video creators a lot of features to make professional quality videos. The features include add ons such as expertly designed templates and backgounds for business. To this mix, the latest release has added extras from Tripple Scoop Music. This will give video marketers and creators benfits including longer tracks to add to the videos plus a choice of thousands.
See the article below to get more information on the release.
Image by Pescaletto
“NEW YORK and LAS VEGAS, March 11, 2013 — /PRNewswire/ — Animoto, the online video creation service that empowers anyone to create and share extraordinary videos, unveiled today at WPPI 2013 (Wedding and Portrait Photography Conference) a new …”
If you want to have a premier product to design and produce highly crafted videos for any niche then this product may well be worth it for you. at the very least you could find a company the produces vdeos with this tool & check out the results. By the way , I am not earning a commission on this. So don’t think it is an advert by me.
Theunlimited potential of video products
Video publishing is one of the easiest ways to create a product for sale on the Internet, and it can be a very profitable business. Even though it’s easier to publish a book than ever before, it’s possible to create a video product in a fraction of the time required to create a book.
When you consider the amount of time it takes for a book by a new author to be accepted by a publisher, edited, manufactured, distributed, and marketed, several years can go by before authors see any revenue for all their hard work. Self-publishing is a good alternative for authors to consider, but the production and marketing costs can be very high. The creation of video products for sale on the Internet is a much easier way to generate a revenue stream.
The art of video publishing
If you’re already convinced that the creation of video products is a powerful Internet marketing tool to drive traffic and sales, here are some important questions to consider before you jump into the production process:
Are you a good communicator? Can you tell a story? Can you explain how to do something in simple terms? Do you have specialized knowledge that can be turned into a product that gives value to customers? If you answered “yes” to these questions, you have all the knowledge and experience you need to create a video product that can generate a nice revenue stream. It takes experienced authors from six months to a year to write a book, but even first-time video producers can plan, script, film, and edit a professional-quality video product in six weeks.
Who will shoot your video? If you have a webcam with a built-in microphone, you already have experience shooting home videos. If you don’t have a webcam, you can probably partner with someone who has a lot of experience.
Who will edit your video? Even a 15-minute video can take several hours to edit professionally. If you’ve been practicing with home videos, now is the time to show your skills on the Internet. If you’ve never edited before, you can find someone to look at your raw footage and teach you how to do some simple editing, which will improve the quality of the finished video product enormously. Video companies generally charge from $50 to $100 an hour, depending on the effects you want edited into your product.
The power of video products on the Worldwide Web
Video podcasting and vlogging are tools that offer unlimited potential for increasing traffic to your web site or blog and for creating revenue streams through the sale of video products. Individual video content producers can create revenues streams from successful videos that last for years. One video publisher I checked out has produced almost 30 videos that have given the producer a monthly income between $8,000 and $10,000 dollars for over four years. This video publisher reports that most of these videos are still selling-and not one has lost money.
English: A view of the Rome Campus theater from the audience looking onto the stage, with student actors rehearsing, Spring 2002 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This article shows what is important when you are setting up even the samllest of videos and presentations. Without rehearing properly the results will seem vague and unprofessional.
Even if you’re only planning to create a 30-second video clip to post on YouTube, never underestimate the power of rehearsal. Rehearsing gets the actors relaxed enough to be themselves, or to take on the specific personalities called for in the script. If you plan to be the host or demonstrator of your own motivational or do-it-yourself video, rehearsing will let you become comfortable in front of the camera. If you have decided to create a how-to video, the hardest task is learning how to be yourself in front of a camera. Rehearsing is the best way to get over your nervousness and connect to your audience effectively.
Rehearse in different ways to find out which style of delivery works best for your project. Talk as you move and stand on the set, sit and talk, talk as you show how to do something, and talk in a voice over as your actors demonstrate how something is done. And remember: Whatever type of video product you decide to create, it’s important to make sure you have good lighting and plenty of space. Rehearse in different types of lighting to see what works best, and move around the set to make sure you have enough space.
When hosts stand or move on the set as they talk to an audience, they can transmit great energy and power to viewers. A host will sit and talk to create a laid-back atmosphere that encourages the audience to relax and feel at home. Just think about the most popular programs on television. What is the difference between a great host and an average host?
All great hosts stand as they deliver an opening monologue to an audience. They know how to use their hands, and they know how to keep their bodies poised to communicate exactly what they want their audience to remember. The best way to create great-selling video products is to study popular hosts and powerful speakers. Learn from them, imitate their techniques, and practice in front of a camera.
Ask your friends to give you their honest feedback. Were you convincing in the video? Did you connect to your audience? Did they stay focused on what you were saying? The most important question to ask your “focus group” of friends and family members is: What message did they get from your video? What do they think you’re trying to say? What are viewers motivated to do after seeing your video? Answers to these questions are the best measure of the effectiveness of your video product.
Most of us are in for a shock the first time we carry out this experiment. We think we have covered a topic completely, only to find that our audience cannot say with certainty what that topic is. Leave your pride out of it and you’ll be on your way to learning how to create great video products. Listen to your customers and potential customers. Listen to their feedback. Ask for suggestions about how to be a more effective host or speaker. Practice, practice, and keep on practicing.
YouTube has a reputation for getting traffic and “viral” videos. It is one of the largest search engines on its own. This is excluding Google, YouTube’s’ owner. But can it be used for Business? specifically using B2B Video marketing as a viable marketing channel?
The article below is something that shows some key steps that can be implemented readily.
“B2B video marketing has a lot to do with creating useful content for the right niche community. It isn’t about getting a ton of views, it’s about getting the right people to view your video. There are a number of ways to find your audience in YouTube …”
Hopefully you can get some usable tips from the above. YouTube Channels are a very useful tool for companies or small businesses. These are shown in the article. YOu can also see them used by major corporations. It is a way to differentiate yourself from the other traffic. You keep your message to the forefront and create a brand.
Here are a couple od Video links as well.
Camtasia has been the standard for screen recording for many years. In case you don’t know Camtasia is a tool used my many Internet Marketers and other fields to create screen playbacks and voice overs. Just set up what you want to record, such as a demo or presentation, record , edit, and distribute. It gained in popularity by marketing; giving a free trial of the fully working software to show ease of use. What has improved vastly of initial releases in this version is the editing capabilitites and the recording handling. Older versions could slow down your system when recording video. This one is better. Also there are many new editing features such as being able to drag and drop directly in the recording canvas and add in hyperlinks, great fro marketers on YouTube.
Take a look below at the features.
“If you watch a YouTube video explaining how to edit in Photoshop, write in Word, or do anything else in a program, that video was very likely created with Camtasia Record, the original core function of Camtasia Studio. Capturing and showing screen …”
The article above gives a detailed review of al the new features. Check it out.
Below is some information on an App that can be used to create small videos on you phone. These can then have captions and animations including photios taken with the camera to complete the movie. The App is free to download.
""I can honestly say that prMac was the BEST bang for my buck. First of all, your service is by far the best I've ever encountered. You responded to my questions …"
I am not affliated to this product so it is for your information and choice to look at.
English: Analytical balance type EG from production company Kern Česky: Analytické předvážky, EG firmy Kern (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
How to choose a production company for your video product
The tools for creating a video product are so inexpensive today that anyone can be a producer and broadcaster. If you’re serious about producing videos to generate additional revenue streams for your Internet business, or if you’re planning to launch an Internet site dedicated to the sale of video products, you need to learn how to do as much of the work as you can. Video production can be very rewarding and enjoyable work. On the other hand, if you have decided to outsource the development and production of your video product, there are many production companies online and in your area with talented and experienced personnel.
I have successfully completed several video products with production companies. Working with industry professionals has been a wonderful learning experience for me, and I have found that people who work on your projects are happy to teach you what they know. To quote a price for your video product, the production company will need to know the following:
* What is the target audience?
* Do you need to use on-camera actors or will you record voice overs?
* Will you write your own script, or will you outsource it to the production company?
* How many locations will you have?
* What is the length of the video?
* Do you need animations or graphics added to your video product?
The production company will provide the crew for your video. The crew for a simple video will include a producer, camera operator, and a sound technician. For small projects the producer will double as director, and for the simplest projects a one-man company can take care of all the aspects of creating and producing your video product. If you plan to create a more sophisticated video with on-camera talent, you will need a production assistant, lighting directors, make-up artists, and possibly other technicians.
Make sure that the production company can complete the entire production project; your video will cost more if you hire one company to produce it and another company to edit it. As with any outsourced project, you will want to get quotes from several different companies. It’s important to do the planning before you talk to the production company-they can’t give you a quote without a clear idea of the scope of the project.
Here are the questions you should ask production companies:
* What type of productions do you specialize in?
* Do you have experience in the type of product I’m planning to create?
* What will I need to contribute to the project?
The production company may need to schedule and coordinate different phases of the project with you or someone else from your company. Share your vision with the production company when you talk to them the first time. Good producers are experts in the technical aspects of production, but great producers are also passionate about the projects they work on. When you find a production company that can get excited about the vision for your video project, you need look no further.
Business use of the Video Marketing Tactics you see being used by Internet Marketers are going main stream. This article below shows how its done. t uses the standard markting research. Understand who is viewing the videos, what they are looking for and how you can service that need. It is prety much what any Internet Marketing Course that is any good will tell you. Find traffic, establish needs then fill those needs.
"B2B video marketing has a lot to do with creating useful content for the right niche community. It isn't about getting a ton of views, it's about getting the right people to view your video. There are a number of ways to find your audience in YouTube …"
Place your closing curation after this and then delete this text:
Looksing at varois couses on Internet marketing as a beginning will help. Espaciually those dealing with Video marketing.
This may be of interest if you like going to big events on creating instant videos on the go. This app will alllow you to use your phone and upload to a server to mix and create videos that are matched to the local area and nearby users.
“(Credit: Vyclone) What if you could instantly mash up, remix, and share videos with people on other social networks? That’s the kind of experience…”
There are many ideas , both commercial and private, that could be leveraged off the app. See the video below as well to get an idea of the type of services that can be worked with.
There are many tools beyond Camtasiawith Powerpoint coming into play these days. One shown here is designed to mainly be used to set up Viral Videos. It uses templated structures to create presenations. It is also possible to create animations with an add on. It is a light application and can be acced via the web and workable on devices such as Ipads.
“With many marketers curious about the platform, has created a comprehensive review of the video creation software and how the average person can use this program to create interactive, high-quality video presentation. Quote end …PR Web (press release)”
If you have limited time and don’t really want to spend time or money (over $300) on Camtasia plus Powerpoint, apps like this may be an answer. However, if you want to create video courses and have a fully functional editing capability, applications such as Camtasia would be better for you. Jing is also an option although going forward it will not be supported as Techsmith are merging it with Snagit.
I you are wanting to add videos and upload to the various video sites it can be time consuming. If you are new to video creation there is a learning curve that can be addressed in several ways. One is to follow a video creation course. The other is to outsource video creation and uploading. There are companies that can do this for you at a price so it may be something to consider for all skill levels.
“Today, Content Writing King announced that their packages for SEO link building services would now contain a new version of their SEO video creation service. A while ago, the company had announced that they would be scrapping development of this video …”
Here is an example of the concepts.
Video creation of marketing and SEO is constantly evolving and some people will become rapidly bored with having to modify what they do constantly to keep ahaead ofthe lastest “tweaks” from search engines. Having someone else do this can save a lot of frustration and effort.
How to get started in the business of video product creation
Television is moving online. In the last year Internet TV has grabbed the attention of the biggest media corporations in the world. Disney has entered into a partnership with Brightcove and the BBC has partnered with YouTube. And this is just the beginning-what you see today is the tip of an iceberg that will keep on growing for years to come.
Anyone can be famous, as the promo for Cisco’s “Human Network” campaign says. Anyone can be a producer today, and that’s only half of it-anyone can be a broadcaster of video content on the Worldwide Web. Video sharing sites like YouTube have created a sort of producing frenzy in the video world, and to be honest about it, there is an enormous amount of junk online. But don’t let that turn you against the medium. New technologies and new business models make it surprisingly easy for companies and individuals to market and deliver video products on the Internet today.
Even if you have experience with video product creation in traditional formats like video cassettes, CDs, and DVDs, you may not be fully aware of how new tools available on the Internet can take your business to the next level. Here are some tips on how to get started:
* Don’t quit your day job-you don’t have to in order to test products on a web site. Some of the fastest growing sites on the Internet today were launched by people who had full-time jobs. They entered the market gradually by testing sales of new products and services on the Internet. When they were convinced that a niche market was there to sustain them, they plunged into the Internet business full time. Your numbers will tell you when to quit your day job.
* One of the best ways to build a niche market is by selling video products on the Internet. Look at the types of videos that other people are selling. Which ones would you want to buy? Which ones add something of value to your life? Look around. When you find something you like, go ahead and buy it. If you have never purchased a video download on the Internet, you’ll be surprised by how easy it is. This is important preparation for you as a future marketer of online video products.
* The video you just purchased may be the best investment you ever make. Watch it from the point of view of a customer. Did you get your money’s worth? Would you buy another video product from the same site? If you aren’t completely satisfied, can you get a refund? Then watch the video from the point of view of a creator of video products. Why does this video work? How does it connect to my experience? And if the video falls flat on its face, why doesn’t it work? Why doesn’t it connect to me as a viewer?
As you provide answers to these questions, you will start to discover concepts that can be developed into your own video products for sale on the Internet. When you’re ready, all you need is a webcam, a computer, and a connection to the Internet.
This is an article I found on how to make a start in video maketing. Aimed at the people who want to make videos and get them published.
If you haven’t heard about the revolution going on in the world of Internet video publishing, you’ve probably been living in a cave for the past year. Video sharing is the hottest thing on the Worldwide Web today. is making a strong bid to build the platform for the next generation of video sites, and it’s a great place to get started as a publisher of online video products. Brightcove has great tools for driving traffic to your video channel and boosting sales:
Create revenue streams on Brightcove from video downloads: You can sell and rent video downloads on the and directly on your web site. Brightcove takes care of payment processing and live customer support. You control the terms of use and the price of each download product, of course, and keep 70% of the revenue generated from your sales. A tracking tool lets you monitor how your channel is performing on the Internet. You can measure your viewers and video streams on your affiliate sites as well as on your own web site. This tool also tracks your earnings from sales and rentals.
Be a live broadcaster of video products: Your channel appears automatically on, making it easy for customers to find and buy your video downloads. As a broadcaster of video products, you can use Brightcove to build a community of users around your niche market. You can encourage your viewers to share your videos by enabling email links ands setting up subscriptions to video feeds. At all stages of the process you control how viewers share your videos-or if they can share them at all. This allows you to market content virally if you choose.
Video syndication to other web sites: Brightcove lets you create and manage your relationships with affiliates who want to syndicate your video products. You retain full control over programming and branding. Brightcove has entered into a partnership with AOL Video that creates an additional option for content distribution-as a Brightcove user, you can distribute paid downloads of your video products through AOL Video. The AOL platform lets you sell your video downloads directly to the huge audience at
Advertisers want to underwrite Internet video content: Online video publishers are generating significant revenue streams. Popular vlogs make money by selling subscriptions to users, by offering paid download content, and by attracting sponsors who want to enter into partnerships with creators of popular video products. Brightcove gives even free users the opportunity to earn advertising revenue from their video content. Newly launched channels are reviewed for inclusion in the Brightcove Ad Network. If your channel is included, you receive half of all the advertising revenue. Even if no ads run on your content, you still get free Brightcove service.
Brightcove’s customers already include Newsweek, Sony, Discovery Network, and the Tribeca Film Festival. Brightcove is one of the most exciting developments on the Worldwide Web today. You can stay informed of the latest developments in Internet TV by visiting their blog at
Hope you enjoyed it and can get some “takeaways”.
How to create great video products
In the last year we have seen an explosion in the online video market. Try these tips if you want to create great video products for sale on the Internet:
You’ll be more successful if you show how to solve a problem. Forget about trying to impress people. Forget about trying to look good. Be natural, be yourself, and show people how you solved a problem in your own life. Then give your viewers tips for applying these lessons and strategies to their lives.
Focus on action. Always think about action-about what you want your audience to do. Then build your video around that action. As the Roman statesman Cato said, “Find the message first and the words will follow.”
Failure is the result of a lack of focus. To be effective-for people to remember your message-focus on a single power point and present it as truthfully and as entertainingly as you can, rather than presenting a series of topics in a single video product.
The power of structure
Keep this basic structure in mind as you create your video product:
* Start with a powerful, attention-grabbing lead. Clearly state your theme in the first minute.
* Use smooth transitions to link one segment to another.
* Use action verbs. Change verbs in passive voice to active verbs. Keep adjectives and adverbs to a minimum.
* Give viewers a few suggestions to help them apply what they’ve learned to their lives.
* Be yourself. Use short words and sentences. If you’re stuck and you don’t know what to say next, explain it the way you would to your best friend or spouse.
* Connect with your audience. Wrap everything in human terms-make it something your next-door neighbor can relate to.
* Finish with a satisfying conclusion that reemphasizes your theme.
When you have an idea for your video, you’ll know it’s the right one if you can answer “yes” to each of the following questions:
* Does this need to be done? Am I the right person to do it? Can I see the world from the point of view of my audience? Can I think their thoughts?
* Can the market I’m targeting understand my video? Can I express the idea better in half the time? Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, “Perfection is attained, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
* Does the idea hold together from start to finish? Does it move smoothly? Does the video make sense as a whole rather than just as the sum of its parts?
* Am I willing to say what I think is true, no matter what?
Now you’re ready to create a great video product. As you develop your video, keep this checklist handy at all times. It will let you know what elements in your video product need more work, and it will let you know when your video is ready to be distributed and sold on the Internet.
How to create great inspirational video products
The revolution in Internet video has been triggered by video sharing sites like YouTube, where amateur content producers have the same power to broadcast their products as major media corporations. Individual content producers and Internet marketers are connected to potential customers as never before. “Welcome to a network where anyone can be famous,” says the voice over in the Cisco promotional campaign. “Welcome to the Human Network.”
All right, so now you’re convinced that you need to create video products for sale on the Internet, but you don’t have any ideas. Where do you get ideas for concepts that can be turned into video products that customers will want to pay money for?
The best ideas come from your own experience. If you know how to do something that can add value to someone’s life, you have a concept for a video product that can generate a revenue stream on the Internet for many years. If you have ever solved a problem that vexes other people, you have the material for an inspirational or motivational video that can generate revenue over and over again through your web site.
If you are confronted with a problem today, you have an opportunity to create a video product that can earn revenue on the Internet for years. Think about a problem you had with a product or service. Can it be improved? Can you think of a way to help people do something better, faster, or cheaper? Any of these questions can be the starting point for developing a concept for a successful how-to video.
To see what I’m talking about, check out Sanders Says ( Tim Sanders is a marketing and product development expert who hosts this advice blog that concentrates on business and relationship management. Tim has developed video projects for clients at Yahoo (and at, before it was acquired by Yahoo).
Visit Tim’s site and listen as he tells the story of Paul Galvin. Paul was a hard-working man from a small town who wasn’t afraid to make mistakes. In fact, Paul learned early in life that wisdom is born from mistakes-his first three business efforts ended in failure. You have never heard of the first three businesses that Paul Galvin founded, but everyone has heard of the fourth one: Paul called his new venture “Motorola.” The rest is history; the company founded by the man who refused to give up gave birth to everything from wireless phones to one of the earliest computer chips.
Tim Sanders is a wonderful storyteller, and he uses this story to illustrate how great leaders inspired others. (You can also find this video on YouTube: just type “Paul Galvin story” in the search window on the YouTube home page.)
As the story of Paul Galvin illustrates, all great leaders inspire. Think of stories you can tell to inspire people. Use these concepts to create video products and start to reach a bigger customer base for your Internet business today.