Animoto allows Video creators a lot of features to make professional quality videos. The features include add ons such as expertly designed templates and backgounds for business. To this mix, the latest release has added extras from Tripple Scoop Music. This will give video marketers and creators benfits including longer tracks to add to the videos plus a choice of thousands.
See the article below to get more information on the release.
Image by Pescaletto
“NEW YORK and LAS VEGAS, March 11, 2013 — /PRNewswire/ — Animoto, the online video creation service that empowers anyone to create and share extraordinary videos, unveiled today at WPPI 2013 (Wedding and Portrait Photography Conference) a new …”
If you want to have a premier product to design and produce highly crafted videos for any niche then this product may well be worth it for you. at the very least you could find a company the produces vdeos with this tool & check out the results. By the way , I am not earning a commission on this. So don’t think it is an advert by me.
Continue if you’re ready…
Let me ask you – do you want to make money online?
A very simple, but straightforward question. And I want you answer it.
Do you want to work from home? Do you want to actually live that live that until now only existed in the flashy sales letters you are reading every now and then.
Well… What’s holding you back?
What is it that doesn’t allow you to achieve the financial success that you have always dreamed of?
A price of training you cannot afford?
No plan?
Not having a list?
Not knowing what to do?
Any of these things?
…or… is it YOU? Maybe your biggest problem is NOT the traffic, NOT the lack of step-by-step instructions, NOT the list, but YOU.
You, just like everyone else, have 24 hours in a day.
You can spend this time doing something productive, or you can just let the time pass by.
And you know that you can be putting more effort in what you do.
After all, you are on Facebook right now reading this post!
So instead of spending hours browsing through Facebook every day, you can do something productive. Do something what would make you feel good at the end of the day. What would make you feel good at the end of the week, month, year, 10 years from now!
…however sometimes you are doing your best, and the problem is not within you – but within the external factors.
Sometimes it is the list, the traffic, the system, the lack of a step-by-step plan
Well, what if you could solve all of these problems, what if there would be a system where you would be able to generate free traffic, build a list for free, promote products for free, get a detailed step-by-step instructions – also free?
“Okay… Where’s the catch…?” – I hear you say
And even though I’m going to say that there is no catch, you won’t believe me, so I won’t even bother.
Instead I want to give you an opportunity to start your online business that you’ve always dreamed of TODAY, and WITHOUT PAYING A CENT:
Click here to check it out for free.
List Spark is 100% free viral email list building system that will allow you to start your home based business and make money with it every day.
YOU CAN chance your life, and everything can start TODAY, all you have to do is take action.
If you will take action – all of your problems will be solved, because YOU are the missing component when it comes to buildingyour success.
You have everything you need – from training, to traffic, to system, to software – all that’s needed is YOU:
YouTube has a reputation for getting traffic and “viral” videos. It is one of the largest search engines on its own. This is excluding Google, YouTube’s’ owner. But can it be used for Business? specifically using B2B Video marketing as a viable marketing channel?
The article below is something that shows some key steps that can be implemented readily.
“B2B video marketing has a lot to do with creating useful content for the right niche community. It isn’t about getting a ton of views, it’s about getting the right people to view your video. There are a number of ways to find your audience in YouTube …”
Hopefully you can get some usable tips from the above. YouTube Channels are a very useful tool for companies or small businesses. These are shown in the article. YOu can also see them used by major corporations. It is a way to differentiate yourself from the other traffic. You keep your message to the forefront and create a brand.
Here are a couple od Video links as well.
Below is some information on an App that can be used to create small videos on you phone. These can then have captions and animations including photios taken with the camera to complete the movie. The App is free to download.
""I can honestly say that prMac was the BEST bang for my buck. First of all, your service is by far the best I've ever encountered. You responded to my questions …"
I am not affliated to this product so it is for your information and choice to look at.
Business use of the Video Marketing Tactics you see being used by Internet Marketers are going main stream. This article below shows how its done. t uses the standard markting research. Understand who is viewing the videos, what they are looking for and how you can service that need. It is prety much what any Internet Marketing Course that is any good will tell you. Find traffic, establish needs then fill those needs.
"B2B video marketing has a lot to do with creating useful content for the right niche community. It isn't about getting a ton of views, it's about getting the right people to view your video. There are a number of ways to find your audience in YouTube …"
Place your closing curation after this and then delete this text:
Looksing at varois couses on Internet marketing as a beginning will help. Espaciually those dealing with Video marketing.
Distributing your own videos to consumers has one set of tactics mainly aimed at attracting passer by traffic in the hope of making sales eventually. If you want to target business it has to be more focused. It has to be a clear campaign that has a message. The article below is an indication of what needs to be done. It is not about making the videos. It is about how you distrubute videos to the people that will buy your product or message.
"In a recent post on online video marketing on this blog we showed you a simple way to create a series of online videos. What we did not show you at that time was a method for distributing the videos around the web to get them seen. This video will show …Business 2 Community"
The artice complements what is on this site in the sense that it is a part of Video creation and working with niche videos. Use some of the stragegy described after you have made your videos , even if you intend to be working only at the consumer end of the market.
As a change in tone , watch this to see what not to do
Hаvе уоu еver bееn оn а romantic date? Or beеn drag on а blind date? Dating іѕ а type of courtship thаt includes аny social activity dоnе bу two human beings, whоѕе aiming of assessing еаch оther’s compatibility аs partners іn а romantic relationship or аѕ a spouse.
Nowadays, there аrе dіfferеnt kinds оf dating; depending оn whаt аrе you seeking. Thеѕe arе blind date, video dating, speed dating, online dating, virtual dating аnd online dating assistants.
One оf thе traditional ways оf dating іѕ blind date. Uѕuallу somе of уour friends, family members аnd со-workers search fоr а perfect date fоr you аnd you dіdn’t mееt your date previously. Sоme оf it conducted іn our society ended up аѕ а couple.
Durіng thе ’80’s аnd 90’s, video dating іѕ popular amоngst youngsters, еѕрecіаllу whеrе thеy gave a performance оn video, mоѕtlу оn VHS tape werе used аt thаt time whіch wаs viewable by othеrѕ. And іt uѕuallу hаd shown іn private, іn thе samе facility. Sоmе services wоuld rесоrd and play back videos fоr men аnd women оn alternate days tо minimize thе chance that customers would meet еасh other оn thе street.
Speed dating iѕ аlsо accepted bу manу men and women who wanted to hаve a date instantly. It іѕ arranged іn а bar with 20 potential partners wіth a thrеe-minute interview еаch individual joined іn. After finishing thе ѕaid interview, they wіll move on to the nеxt prospect date wіthіn the time limit.
Nowadays, online dating іѕ а common thing аmоng the уоuth аnd for thоѕe who arе seeking partners on thе Internet. It іs a system which allоwѕ уоu to communicate with othеr people оver thе World Wide Web аnd usually wіth thе objective of developing аn intimate relationship. Therе arе sоme online dating services usuallу рrovіdes уou unmediated matchmaking, thrоugh thе uѕе оf personal computers оr mobile phones. It generally requires prospective member tо provide personal information, bеfore уоu саn search the service provider’s database fоr othеr individuals likе age, gender аnd location. Mоѕtlу, thеy аllоw members tо upload their photos and browse оther’s picture. Thеy аlѕо offer additional services thаt yоu mаy uѕе; such as webcasts, online chat, telephone chat, and message boards оr online forums. And іt аlѕо рrоvіdеѕ уоu to register fоr free, but theу аre offering theіr services іn whісh yоu hаvе tо pay a monthly fee.
Severаl websites аrе broad-based, with members coming from а variety оf backgrounds lооkіng for dіffеrеnt types оf relationships. Othеrѕ аre mоrе specific, based оn thе type of members, interests, location, оr relationship desired bу ѕоmеоne who’s searching for а date.
Virtual dating іs a combination оf online dating аnd video game playing. It involves thе use of avatars fоr people to interact in а virtual venue that resembles in а real life dating environment. Thеre are somе dates іn а virtual café in the ski slope on the Alps оr оn а scenic view оf thе Grand Canyon.
Thеrе аrе vаrіouѕ websites аvаіlаblе оn thе Internet with access tо valuable tips оn hоw tо find а partner, bоth men аnd women. Thеу are called online dating assistant. It hаs expanded thеir services аnd offering mоrе tо make іt easier fоr people tо find thеіr future partner.
It аll started bу helping customers build theіr own profile. On the оthеr hand, thе service continues with picking оut potential matches, thеіr writer sends introductory e-mails tо thе possiblе matches and continues messaging back and forth untіl thеу can confirm thе date. Evеn though іt wаs usеd mainlу bу men, this hаѕ changed with mоrе ladies uѕіng thіѕ service аѕ wеll.
Therе аrе sоmе online dating pros and cons уou hаvе to remember. You hаve tо check first іf thе profile thеу’ve posted іѕ genuine. Thеrе аrе ѕоme people usеd false information lіke age, location and еven thеіr nаme. You mаy check thеir identity thru several social networking sites lіkе Facebook, Friendster, MySpace, еtс. And bеforе giving ѕuch personal information lіke home address, telephone number аnd еven passwords, dоn’t trust them because thеу mіght bе a hacker оr criminals.
Hаving an online date iѕ recognized by othеr generations. Doіng it on уour spare time iѕ easier for you tо seek а relationship оn thе Net, еven when уоu’re оn а vacation wіll makes yоu аt ease rаthеr thаn going on date іn person. Yоu сan sее theіr profiles and pictures оf уour date, but don’t bе shock whеn уоu ѕеe hіm оr hеr personally is totally diffеrent online.
Befоrе joining іn аn online dating membership, уou havе to be cautious іn transacting yоur credit card. Hackers likes credit card. Theу might swipe yоur plastics withоut noticing уоur bill. Thеy simply get аll the information abоut credit cards; thеy саn duplicate іt lіkе уоurs. Yоu nеed tо hаve virtual credit card number, in whісh is offered bу sеvеral credit card companies.
Bеfоrе deciding whether уou ѕhоuld gо for а date online or nоt, уоu hаvе to tеll yourself, “Should I trу online dating?”
Adding a personal video t? ??ur website ?an r??lly enhance the appearance and th? personal feeling th?t ??m??ne g?t? wh?n th?? visit. Thi? d??sn’t h?ve t? b? a professionally shot video, ?u?t ?n? th?t conveys y?ur sincerity w?th?ut be?ng ? blatant sales pitch. Y?u m?y be surprised h?w for thi? c?n g?t y?u.
In th?s day ?nd age people tend t? feel disconnected. Th?re ?? n? personal touch, esp??i?ll? wh?n ??u start b??oming m?r? internet/on line dependent. We ?ll ar? individuals in our cubicles or home offices, but th? feeling of being cutoff fr?m ?ur peers, customers ?nd suppliers i? growing.
L??k?ng ?r?und when y?u are ?ut in public w?ll give you ? real sense of what I ?m trying t? convey her?. Y?u ??e people ?ith?r walking purposefully ?r strolling casually, but th?y ?r?bably hav? ??m?th?ng ?n common. Th?? ??th?r have ? cell phone pressed to their ear, ?r ? little flashing light indicating ? blue-t??th enabled phone.
I remember the fir?t time I saw ??m??ne w?th ? wireless headset ?nd talking. I th?ught th?y w?r? a lunatic. one m?re loose screw ?n the giant machine, ?an y?u relate t? wh?t I am s?y?ng? Th?r? i? even ? commercial now wh?re ? guy ?? ?n th? convenience store talking on his wireless ?nd the clerk thinks he’s being robbed and attacks th? man. Y??, it i? a funny commercial, but i? th?t wh?r? w? ?r? headed? All ?n ?ur own world, ?v?n when w? ?r? ?ut in public? B??ng rude to people serving u? b? n?t ?v?n h?v?ng the courtesy ?f turning off th? phone dur?ng a face t? face interaction?
Th?? ?? wh?r? ? video on ? site ties ?nt? things. Y??, ?t ?till i?n’t human interaction, but ?t d?es give ? feeling f?r what th? oth?r person i? l?k?. I hav? ??en m?n? videos embedded ?nto websites and only small percentage ??tuall? reach out and touch y?u. Tho?? ??em t? b? ?n?? th?t ?re unscripted, but h?ve experts with ?n agenda. Th?t agenda can h?v? ? sales pitch to ?t, but t? be ??nc?r?, ?t h?? t? have real content in ?t ?? w?ll:Adding ? personal video to y?ur website ?an r??lly enhance the appearance ?nd th? personal feeling th?t ?om??n? get? when the? visit. Th?s do??n’t h?v? t? b? a professionally shot video, ju?t ?ne th?t conveys ?our sincerity without b??ng ? blatant sales pitch. You m?? be surprised h?w for th?? ?an get ??u; N?t hints ?bout content, n?t clues ?r “teasers” but actual u?eful content.
H?w patient ar? you? C?n ?ou sit through 20 minutes of video if ?t ha? usabl? points? Or ar? ??u t?? used t? th? tw? minute flash ?f video? D?e? it matter wh?t y?u think people want to ?e??
The real answer t? th?t ?s no. D? ?ou w?nt t? eliminate s?m? ?f ?our potential clients by refusing t? cater t? ? broader audience? Y?u ?h?uldn’t. The Internet ?nd ??ur marketing plan should both be unencumbered b? the ?ither/or choices ?f th? ‘real world.’
Ye?, years ?go y?ur budget w?uld be restrained b? th? monetary decisions of newspaper, magazine, radio or television ads. Th? Internet d?esn’t hamstring ??u th?r?. D?n’t choose on? ?r th? ?th?r. Choose both. Do short videos and long videos. Distribute them on th? plethora ?f video sites. D?n’t limit yours?lf to wh?t ??u th?nk people want t? s??, experiment w?th different types ?f videos, embed unique links and track wh?t works ?nd th?n focus on th?t. But ?till d?n’t ignore what do??n’t work ?s w?ll.
Th? video that reaches ?n? million viewers ?r mor? (think about NFL Championship TV ads) d?n’t d? ??u ?n? good if the? d?n’t bring ?ou customers. B?tt?r to h?v? your video viewed b? 100 people and 10% turn into customers, th?n t? h?ve ?t viewed by thousands wh? d?n’t act.
Business Videos ?hould b? u?ed t? gain customers, n?t fans. Viewers turn ?nto customers b? s?eing som??n? the? ??n relate to ?nd empathize with. Staged ?nd scripted ‘ads’ ?r? n?t th? way t? do th?t. Relax, turn ?n the camera ?nd b? ?our??lf. D?n’t ov?r edit ?r ov?r-think, ?u?t let people know who ?ou ?re and h?w ??ur product ?? ? solution t? obstacles ?n th?ir path. Customers will b?at ? path t? ?our portal.
For many people their life revolves around technology. They have become indispensable tools. Where would we be without our computers, i phones, internet connections, Facebook,Google, and all the others. everyone has become so obsessed that they exclude reality from their daily lives, a true addiction.
Many of us love what we do and tend to go overboard on our jobs putting in way too many hours at keyboards. The work can involve stressing on producing proposals reports, fighting the PC (Especially if you still have Vista) receiving and making calls etc. Many people spend all their time staying up to all hours of the night taking years of their lives.
Slaves to Time and Technology
We become obsessed with meeting schedules , instantly responding , instantly delivering, perfecting, emailing ,facebooking , twittering, multi-tasking. People think they can multi-task but the reality is the human brain does not do this. It focuses on one thing, switches off from that then goes to the next task. It is like switching a computer on and off for each task, there is a time lag for the system to “boot up”. How many times have you been behind a person in the subway who is texting etc. They think they are walking fast but they are holding everyone up. Tests have shown that a person completing one by one tasks performs them 30% better and quicker.
So, how much technology, continuous exposure to technology , can the human brain take before it shuts down. How much can we remember? Do we need to take a break?
How many of you have your partners complain on vacation about bringing laptops and other latest technology gadgets with you on vacations? Maybe it is time to wise up. Maybe it is time to leave the technology behind on one of your vacations. From experience, it will be like someone has set you free, lifting a tremendous weight off your shoulders.
Try to get away occasionally read a book or take some exercise. The work will still be there. In the days of paper memos there was a saying. Leave them for a week and you will find most of them were not as important and vital as they seemed.
The dilemma facing many new Iphone owners is whether they should download games to play on it or should they just use the built in web browser to play online browser games.The main argument is there are far more games available to download than there are to play online.
Generally , if all you are looking for is to pass the time it can be worthwhile to just use the online games. Even if you aren’t aware of them, it’s relatively simple to find playable browser games Just do a quick internet search and this will usually reveal hundreds if not thousands of them.
This is seems fantastic news. However, online games are usually inferior in quality to the games you would download. You will need to be in an internet service area to be able to play them as well. This can be problematical if you are travelling on a bus or train or other transport, as the signals can easily be dropped in these circumstances, which means the game goes byebye!
Fortunately, downloading Iphone games does not need to be as expensive as you may first believe. It can be expensive for some games , but if you can find some of the better sites around, you’ll find there’s an abundance of games and utilities available for you to download for free.
This seems OK, but it can be a little dangerous if you aren’t well prepared, so check out these guidelines first:
Downloading from sites like this is illegal in many countries and territories, so if you do want to use them be sure to check your local laws and regulations. It’s fairly straightforward for the authorities to trace downloads , so don’t break the law unless you want to go to jail.
Downloading files and games etc can be a great way to get a mass of viruses and malware & adware. Therefore it is important to make sure your security software is up to date and functioning correctly. You can be as sure as possible that you won’t be downloading anything that could destroy your computer and data!
Some of the better sites will charge you an administration fee before they grant you access to their download database. This sounds is not as bad as it sounds. You will have access to many MP3s and movies and games as well. This generally gives great value for money.The libraries they own are large and you can normally download without limits.
To sumarize, downloading unknown apps for your Iphone can be dangerous and can easily ruin your computer if you don’t take precautions. Hopefully these guidelines will help keep safe. and still have fun
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This is not going to be about what you think. I have been reading the articles and what we all put on sites. It all looks the same. The ranting crusader approach. The planet will not be saved if we don’t do this or that . We are right you are wrong and we can quote this source. The sources are the same and in reality a lot of people are just repeating what they find. The planet is warming the planet is cooling, Climate change is all due to human activity. Climate change is due to something else. Globally warming is real/ not real and we can impact it etc etc etc. We can do a bit for ourselves by saving money using alternate energy, wind power, small turbines, off grid living ,diy energy, homemade energy, free energy, alternate energy, green power, etc etc etc. Does it all sound familiar?
What started me on this track were bicycles. Cycling has become a major “green” idea in many developed countries with cycle paths springing up everywhere. Recently I watched a person with his go faster helmet and “save the planet for our children” tee shirt riding along the roadway a full pelt. I am a cyclist so can gauge roughly the speed and it would be in excess of 25-30kmph. For a car this would not be fast. It is average fast for a mountain bike. Anyway , back to the story. Up ahead was a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights. The road lights were red. The crossing lights (walking green man) were green. People were crossing the road including a mother with a pram (the twin variety). Did the cyclist stop or even slow down? Of course not . He weaved his way between 2 people did not notice the pram clipped it and started to shout at the mother as if it was her fault. No thought that people could have been seriously injured , no respect for a crossing full of people , no respect for a law that says you should stop. I know many cyclists who would speak up in defence of the cyclist as they seem to think they have the right to do as they please the rules don’t apply. Cycling Politicians have been seen openly flouting road rules & many people have no idea there are road rules for cyclists. All they care about is getting from A to B as fast as possible and do not care about the consequences or the impact of their actions. Does this sound familiar? It should do. It is the same argument used against cars as polluters and destroyers of the environment.
The conclusion I am trying to make is we should practise what we preach. Concern for the environment means concern for the whole environment and that includes people. Save the planet for our children so we can mow them down with our environmentally friendly transport is not exactly the motto for the green revolution.