For many people their life revolves around technology. They have become indispensable tools. Where would we be without our computers, i phones, internet connections, Facebook,Google, and all the others. everyone has become so obsessed that they exclude reality from their daily lives, a true addiction.
Many of us love what we do and tend to go overboard on our jobs putting in way too many hours at keyboards. The work can involve stressing on producing proposals reports, fighting the PC (Especially if you still have Vista) receiving and making calls etc. Many people spend all their time staying up to all hours of the night taking years of their lives.
Slaves to Time and Technology
We become obsessed with meeting schedules , instantly responding , instantly delivering, perfecting, emailing ,facebooking , twittering, multi-tasking. People think they can multi-task but the reality is the human brain does not do this. It focuses on one thing, switches off from that then goes to the next task. It is like switching a computer on and off for each task, there is a time lag for the system to “boot up”. How many times have you been behind a person in the subway who is texting etc. They think they are walking fast but they are holding everyone up. Tests have shown that a person completing one by one tasks performs them 30% better and quicker.
So, how much technology, continuous exposure to technology , can the human brain take before it shuts down. How much can we remember? Do we need to take a break?
How many of you have your partners complain on vacation about bringing laptops and other latest technology gadgets with you on vacations? Maybe it is time to wise up. Maybe it is time to leave the technology behind on one of your vacations. From experience, it will be like someone has set you free, lifting a tremendous weight off your shoulders.
Try to get away occasionally read a book or take some exercise. The work will still be there. In the days of paper memos there was a saying. Leave them for a week and you will find most of them were not as important and vital as they seemed.