

YouTube has a reputation for getting traffic and “viral” videos. It is one of the largest search engines on its own. This is excluding Google, YouTube’s’ owner. But can it be used for Business? specifically using B2B Video marketing as a viable marketing channel?

The article below is something that shows some key steps that can be implemented readily. 


YouTube For B2B: Immediately Actionable Tactics to Boost Online Video Marketing

“B2B video marketing has a lot to do with creating useful content for the right niche community. It isn’t about getting a ton of views, it’s about getting the right people to view your video. There are a number of ways to find your audience in YouTube …”



 Hopefully you can get some usable tips from the above. YouTube Channels are a very useful tool for companies or small businesses. These  are shown in the article. YOu can also see them used by major corporations. It is a way to differentiate yourself from the other traffic. You keep your message to the forefront and create a brand.

Here are a couple od Video links as well.





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