The article below shows some ideas on how this can be done.
Maybe some can be right.
Video Marketing with any outlet has different outcomes. The article below shows how Google has seen the impact viewability has.
Continue if you’re ready…
Let me ask you – do you want to make money online?
A very simple, but straightforward question. And I want you answer it.
Do you want to work from home? Do you want to actually live that live that until now only existed in the flashy sales letters you are reading every now and then.
Well… What’s holding you back?
What is it that doesn’t allow you to achieve the financial success that you have always dreamed of?
A price of training you cannot afford?
No plan?
Not having a list?
Not knowing what to do?
Any of these things?
…or… is it YOU? Maybe your biggest problem is NOT the traffic, NOT the lack of step-by-step instructions, NOT the list, but YOU.
You, just like everyone else, have 24 hours in a day.
You can spend this time doing something productive, or you can just let the time pass by.
And you know that you can be putting more effort in what you do.
After all, you are on Facebook right now reading this post!
So instead of spending hours browsing through Facebook every day, you can do something productive. Do something what would make you feel good at the end of the day. What would make you feel good at the end of the week, month, year, 10 years from now!
…however sometimes you are doing your best, and the problem is not within you – but within the external factors.
Sometimes it is the list, the traffic, the system, the lack of a step-by-step plan
Well, what if you could solve all of these problems, what if there would be a system where you would be able to generate free traffic, build a list for free, promote products for free, get a detailed step-by-step instructions – also free?
“Okay… Where’s the catch…?” – I hear you say
And even though I’m going to say that there is no catch, you won’t believe me, so I won’t even bother.
Instead I want to give you an opportunity to start your online business that you’ve always dreamed of TODAY, and WITHOUT PAYING A CENT:
Click here to check it out for free.
List Spark is 100% free viral email list building system that will allow you to start your home based business and make money with it every day.
YOU CAN chance your life, and everything can start TODAY, all you have to do is take action.
If you will take action – all of your problems will be solved, because YOU are the missing component when it comes to buildingyour success.
You have everything you need – from training, to traffic, to system, to software – all that’s needed is YOU:
YouTube has a reputation for getting traffic and “viral” videos. It is one of the largest search engines on its own. This is excluding Google, YouTube’s’ owner. But can it be used for Business? specifically using B2B Video marketing as a viable marketing channel?
The article below is something that shows some key steps that can be implemented readily.
“B2B video marketing has a lot to do with creating useful content for the right niche community. It isn’t about getting a ton of views, it’s about getting the right people to view your video. There are a number of ways to find your audience in YouTube …”
Hopefully you can get some usable tips from the above. YouTube Channels are a very useful tool for companies or small businesses. These are shown in the article. YOu can also see them used by major corporations. It is a way to differentiate yourself from the other traffic. You keep your message to the forefront and create a brand.
Here are a couple od Video links as well.
Distributing your own videos to consumers has one set of tactics mainly aimed at attracting passer by traffic in the hope of making sales eventually. If you want to target business it has to be more focused. It has to be a clear campaign that has a message. The article below is an indication of what needs to be done. It is not about making the videos. It is about how you distrubute videos to the people that will buy your product or message.
"In a recent post on online video marketing on this blog we showed you a simple way to create a series of online videos. What we did not show you at that time was a method for distributing the videos around the web to get them seen. This video will show …Business 2 Community"
The artice complements what is on this site in the sense that it is a part of Video creation and working with niche videos. Use some of the stragegy described after you have made your videos , even if you intend to be working only at the consumer end of the market.
As a change in tone , watch this to see what not to do
This may be of interest if you like going to big events on creating instant videos on the go. This app will alllow you to use your phone and upload to a server to mix and create videos that are matched to the local area and nearby users.
“(Credit: Vyclone) What if you could instantly mash up, remix, and share videos with people on other social networks? That’s the kind of experience…”
There are many ideas , both commercial and private, that could be leveraged off the app. See the video below as well to get an idea of the type of services that can be worked with.
Video Marketing has changed how to make money on the Internet another wave is coming spearheaded by some unlikely people. If you follow cable news you will know that there has been a declining share of audience and markets. Younger people rarely get the news from sitting in front of the TV. It is deemed as being too static and not interactive.
The newest media wave to hit the online shorts video. Individual emails abound with links to “the funniest video ever,” and blurry clips of new babies’ birthday parties.
Businesses, on the other hand, have largely been left standing in the shore, scratching their heads and wondering if there’s any real value to be earned from diving into making their own live video broadcasts, video emails or video on demand infomercials. Here are just five of the many ways video adds to the bottom line of any company.
While people generally remember 10% of what they read and 20% of what they hear. But, they’ll remember as much as 50% of what they see and hear together. Before anyone can action your message, they need to process and remember it.
A call to action is much easier to follow if it is actively delivered. Sound and motion are powerful action drivers, especially when they are delivered by your enthusiasm and passion for your topic. Companies who have made the switch to video email and on- demand broadcasts have reported response rates jump as much as 30% following the broadcast.
People do business with people they know, like and trust. When you cut through the technological barriers of the Internet and put yourself online, you put “yourself on the line” as far as viewers are concerned. The time it would normally take you to build a relationship with a potential customer can be dramatically shortened asa result.
Anytime you can avoid the high costs of sending someone on the road to meet with clients or attend a meeting, the bottom line savings are immediate and obvious. In addition to any costs associated with attending a meeting, you need to factor in travel costs covering airfares to taxis and tolls, hotel costs, meal expenses, and even your internal costs to process the expense paperwork.
Spare yourself the productivity drain and the physical and mental tolls travel takes on your company’s road warriors and you could enjoy “soft” cost savings that dwarf your hard dollar travel costs. Want an example? Look at your own calendar for the past month and count up the hours you spent traveling to and from meetings. Multiply that by your hourly wage, and then by the number of employees inyour firm.
If reasons like these don’t help you convince the reluctant decision makers in your company to add video to your communications mix, please be patient with them. Historically they are in good company.
There were many who claimed the smeary images on hard to handle rolls of paper called “faxes” would never function in place of an original document. And who, they asked, would ever want to spend more time typing an email message when they could so easily pick up a telephone and place a call?
So you’d like to watch movies on your Iphone. You’ve come to the right place. In order to do this, there are many different choices and ways to go about it. The main reason for this is due to the Iphone needing movies to be stored as MP4s. If you’d like to find out exactly how it’s done, check out this article.
In order to be able to watch movies on an Iphone, they need to be saved onto the Iphone itself in the MP4 format. This makes it much easier to download movies to watch rather than transfer them from your DVDs, as many downloadable movies will be in MP4 format already. If you do want to watch your existing movies (DVDs) on your Iphone, it can still be done, it will just mean you need to obtain some recording software to rip the movie from the DVD and convert it into the necessary kind of file.
Recording software varies in price, you can get some decent software for free or you may need to pay up to $50 or so for the better stuff. Run a few simple Google searches to find some examples, and you may want to search for “freeware dvd ripper”or something like that to help you find the less expensive stuff. Once you have the ripped files saved as MP4s on your computer, you can transfer them across using Itunes, the way you would any other file.
As we said before, it’s a little easier to watch downloaded movies on your Iphone, as quite often they will already be in the correct format, so you don’t have to fool around with different software etc. In order to download the movies, all you need is a decent speed internet connection and a good idea of where to download the files from. It may seem that you can download movies from all kinds of places on the internet, but always try to avoid the torrent/P2P style sites, as they are illegal and can cause huge problems with viruses etc and things like that. In general, it’s always better to stay as far from these kinds of sites as possible, and if you do go near them try to make sure your security and antivirus programs are fully updated and in good working order.
Thankfully there are a few legitimate download sites springing up on the net these days, and these are a much safer bet than all the torrent sites. Basically they work by charging you a one off fee to get your membership, which lasts for life, and then giving you unlimited download access to their huge databases. Quite often the selections at places like this have to be seen to be believed. It’s more than just movies too, you can expect all the movies you can think of, plus millions of music files and games and TV shows too. It can be quite mind boggling the first time you visit. These sites are the most recommended for anyone wanting to download movies to their Iphone
Most of the movie files will come in MP4 format, and so you can just use Itunes to transfer them to your Iphone.
As you’ve seen, downloading stuff to your Iphone isn’t as straight forward as you may think, so I’m hoping this article has helped you get a better understanding.
Many small businesses now recognize that it would benefit them to make YouTube videos for for their own website. However, many also have little understanding concerning what type of videos to create. The following information will hopefully give some video marketing tips that can be used by small business owners.
1- Give valuable information & content to your customers
Ensure that your target customers get to know your products and services. Let them see details on features. In all cases focus more on the “value add” benefits they can get from your product or buying from you. Include at least one unique selling proposition in your video script. In other words, show what customers or clients will receive from working with you instead of your competition.
2- Create ? video for Customers Questions
Small businesses will often know their customers well and the questions that clients or customers will frequently ask. Create Videos to answer those FAQs and then post them on your own website or a video sharing site.
3- Have extras and gifts to expand client base
Make ? video which promotes an Irresistible offer and create an an opt-in list. This will enable you to get potential customers to provide you with their email address and name to get an opportunity to win ? valuable product. You could offer ? desirable product, tutorial video, eBook or anything else that would be of value to your customers.
4- Make video with case studies
This is a good selling point for any business. When you have verifiable written case studies it is a highly effective promotional tool to market your business. This type of video will significantly boost your business. It offers statements via audios and visuals of previous clients or customers who have good news to tell about your product or service. This video should be a subtle selling feature to show potential customers how they could also get help from your service or product.
5- Product Review
Just about every business has a targeted market that would be fascinated with product reviews for merchandise directly linked to your service or product. You can make ? video that will cover benefits and features in depth for the product and also give expert evaluation or opinion to your customers.
Below is an article written about the use of Videos and , more specifically, viral videos, in advertizing and marketing campaigns. As stated in the introduction the goal and dream of a successful campaign is to get reach via a viral video. It is one of the most cost effective ways to get eyes on the products. It is not easy and in many cases it is the least intended videos that will go viral.
Introduction and Background
Viral marketing is the holy grail of marketing. The goal of any successful marketing campaign is to generate buzz and awareness about the product or service being offered. If done correctly, the campaign will generate expansive reach, strong brand-building, strong sales, all at a relatively low production and distribution cost.
Viral marketing can occur through many mediums, but the Internet is currently the reigning champion. Cheap resources (always-on internet access), efficiency in building contact networks (email, messengers, blogs, websites, etc.), and an abundance of new content (think means that there is always something interesting and easy to share. Videos and websites are probably the most effective internet platforms for internet viral marketing.
The caveat of viral marketing is that since you are leveraging other people’s resources (their time and effort, their email lists, etc.), they will be on the lookout for signs of commercialism. A person will not spread a company’s message because there is no benefit for him. He actually suffers because he is losing credibility among friends. On the other hand, if the same person told his friends to give to an orphanage or other charity, he will be well received and appear magnanimous.
So assuming that your target viral marketer ” the person who sees your ad and must spread the advertisement to his acquaintances ” falls somewhere in between the extremes of shamelessly plugging a company and expounding upon the virtues of charity, you must balance the inherent commercialism with his desire to spread your message. You must produce something so interesting and compelling that your target marketer has no choice but to share it, marketing message payload and all.
So here is where we strike upon the most difficult challenge of creating a successful viral marketing campaign ? finding the balance of creativity and uniqueness while not diminishing the purpose of your marketing in the first place. The challenge is stiff: too commercial and it will not spread beyond the first marketer, too radical and your brand image may no longer match the content of the advertisement. However, do not despair. It has been done with impressive success, and as long as there is an audience of willing consumers, many more impressively successful campaigns will manifest.
Examples of Successful Commercial Viral Videos
The Superbowl is the largest television event in America. Every year, 40 percent of America households, or approximately 80-90 million Americans, are tuned into the Superbowl at some time. The 30 second Superbowl commercial, the most revered spot in American broadcasting, sold for a reported $2.5 million in the 2006 Superbowl.
With viral marketing, the same level audience can be reached, but at a fraction of the cost. The best viral marketing is not blasted at once to a large audience, but once seeded to a few individuals, will grow until many millions of people will have heard of it. Importantly, these people are not just receiving a television broadcast, but they are telling their friends about it, discussing it, joking about it, and making a mental impression of it. One person who tells others about a video he saw is more valuable than 10 who see your video and forget about it.
One successful viral video shows 2 men dressed in lab coats demonstrating the befuddling Diet Coke and Mentos chemical reaction. Apparently, if you drop Mentos breath mints into Diet Coke, it creates a reaction akin to mixing baking soda and vinegar. Many videos were produced, but this particular video was probably the best produced, including a musically choreographed demonstration of over 100 Diet Coke and Mentos fountains. After being featured on CNN, it was revealed that the video’s creators had already made several tens of thousands of dollars selling the advertisements at the beginning and end of the video.
The Diet Coke video is an example of how viral videos can make money. But a company that wishes to get exposure needs a different approach. One way is for the company to sponsor the creation of a new video (or the sequel of a previously popular video), and then intersperse the company’s logo and website throughout the video. A good example of this is Stride gum’s commission of “Where the Hell is Matt” ? a video that shows Matt dancing for a few seconds at dozens of places around the world, all set to funny music. The video is novel and ridiculous at the same time ? just how many airports, customs, and taxis did Matt and his crew have to go through just to shoot a few seconds of Matt’s dancing? Anyways, the video took off, and Stride cannot be disappointed with their return on investment.
However, the Matt video still only straddles the line of balancing commercialism and content. The perfect video would both integrate the company’s product with content so compelling that the commercial aspect is no longer a concern. To remove the commercial aspect would destroy the very fabric of the commercial. Below, I have included the links of 2 successfully circulated videos, one for Coca-Cola and one for Carlton Draught. These ads are classics of viral marketing because of their power, their persuasiveness, and elegance in weaving together commercialism and content.
– Carlton Draught Big Ad
– Coke Happiness Factory
A Case Study for Successful Web Marketing
Viral videos excite on a visual and auditory level, but have limitations in spreading your company’s message. Unless you are making a branding video, and can pull of something like Coke or Carlton Draught, the user may not even know what your company does unless he goes to your website or otherwise tries your product. A website can be a successful viral platform that not only generates visitors, but can also deliver your company’s message. In this case study, we will look at a service called AdCubes that combines all the elements of successful viral web marketing.
– AdCubes
The first element that of a successful viral website is to have an idea that is at once unique and creative. The website must offer something the visitor and the visitor’s friends will need. In the case of the AdCubes, the product is mundane ? it is an advertisement that is sold to anybody who wishes to purchase it. However, the concept is unique. Each ad cube costs $1 more than the previous one. As more and more people visit the site, the ads become more valuable, and the price is naturally driven up by purchases made by the same visitors.
The payoff for buying an ad is huge ? the person who purchased the first ad for $1 has received hundreds of clicks for his investment. As the value of the ads increase, people will return to the site often, morbidly curious how much advertisers would pay for the same cube that others have purchased for less. Will the price top out at $100 per cube? Or will it be nearer $100,000?
The beauty of this system is that it is self-reinforcing. People will come and buy ads, and tell their friends about the site. As more and more buzz builds, traffic increases, advertisers increase, and the price of the ads increases. The increasing price drives more buzz, and eventually will garner media attention. Then when buzz is peaking, the price of ads will peak as well, driving higher and higher interest in the concept. In the end, the payoff to the site’s owners could be millions of dollars. The payoff to advertisers could be millions of impressions and thousands of clicks. The payoff to visitors would be to witness a web phenomenon in action.
Of course, there is a lot of seeding that must be done before a site can successfully become a viral property. However, once the seeding process begins, a well-planned site will grow closer and closer each day toward critical mass. Once the critical mass is satisfied, then the site truly becomes viral, growing more and more popular without any input from the creators. This process can be facilitated by improving distribution channels. In the case of AdCubes, a links page allows webmasters and blogs to easily post about the site. Each sales confirmation email also contains a request for the advertiser to tell his acquaintances about his new AdCube.
There are many approaches to making a successful viral web site, but the basics are the same. You must have compelling content, it must be accessible for free or at low cost, and it must be easy to transmit. Once the basics are in place, the only thing left is seeding the first visitors until you reach the critical mass.
Additional Successful Web Marketing
– The Subservient Chicken from Burger King
– I Love Bees for Halo2
– The Million Dollar Homepage
It is essential for marketers to understand viral marketing. Why spend resources on getting your company message out when you can recruit others to do it for you? You will need to have creativity in spades to find that all-compelling idea that people cannot help but spread, but find that idea, and you will be well on your way toward profiting from the holy grail of marketing.
Resources Referenced
– Youtube Videos
– International Business Times
I hope this article , supplied unedited with rights, gives some basic ideas on some of the campaigns ,that have impact. If you take some of these as examples it will be possible to build on the ideas presented to formulate your own video campaigns. Video can be a very powerful medium. The sheer size of the internet video population means there is a potential to gain new customers. Even a partial success canbring profits. However, to the inexperienced with limited funds it could be hit and miss.
Countless numbers of studies and surveys seem to agree that online video viewership is generating huge numbers and is unlikely to slow down soon.
During the first month of 2011, more than 170 million American Internet users watched an average of 14-?nd-?-half hours of online media content.
Going even further, 66 percent of participants in ? recent study indicated they watch more online video content than they did a year ago; a figure expected to grow significantly in the coming year.
The rising increase in online video viewership has prompted many companies to realign their advertising campaigns by putting additional focus on the Internet.
In another study, companies reallocating at least 5 percent of their TV advertising budget to online marketing efforts increased their brand exposure and reached new viewers previously inaccessible through television.
These findings underscore the enormous value online video campaigns can have for B2B marketing firms and their clients. In addition to costing significantly less than traditional media campaigns, online video content can be accessed by Internet users anywhere via mobile devices.
Online video content can be an extremely effective tool for branding advertizing and generating leads. However, getting your content in eye’s reach of the intended target base can be challenging due to the shear amount of video floating on the web.
Whether you’ve already launched an online video campaign or are in the process of making one, here are some suggestions that will improve your business to business marketing efforts on the web.
With over two million viewers daily, YouTube is perhaps the most reliable online platform for promoting video content. But simply unloading your content onto YouTube is not enough to draw in viewers.
One of the primary ways people discover YouTube video content is through ? keyword search. With Search Engine Optimization (SEO) playing such a key rely in exposure, it is important that ? text summary accompanies s all your YouTube videos. The summary should be an accurate and compelling description of the video that incorporates keywords and a link to your website. Failing to include ? text summary essentially defeats the purpose of the video marketing campaign as it’s unlikely anyone will view your video if they don’t know what it’s about.
Video is able to convey more information per minute and is the most persuasive method of delivering product information compared to any other media platform. With this in mind, it is only practical to include video in your ?-mail marketing efforts. Some surveys suggest e-mail marketing campaigns that include video can increase conversion rates by as much as 300 percent. Using video will also increase your chances of reaching prospective customers who primarily access their ?-mail through mobile devices.
These are but two ways to enhance the online presence of your B2B Internet Marketing video campaign. No matter how you decide to promote your video content on the Internet, it is important to remember the quality of your viewers is more important than quantity.
Internet Video is still in its infancy with so much potential ahead. Now is the time to get started and there are many ways you can profit .
Although YouTube is the leader in video sharing and video syndication it has only just introduced placing adverts on its videos to monetize the site. Despite the fact that many thousands of videos are submitted each day only those videos from the professional content partners and over 70 independent partner channels will have their videos monetized and receive a percentage of the income.
To profit from submitting your videos then you must look elsewhere and is a great option. Revver is a video-sharing platform that supports the free and unlimited sharing of media. The unique technology tracks and monetizes videos as they spread virally across the web, so no matter where your work goes, you can benefit. It is not the only site sharing revenue with video submitters depending on how many times the videos are viewed. Blip.TV and offer revenue sharing as well.
Review a product using a well written article. Many new products on the market now have a video embedded within the sales landing page. Using a program such as Affiliate Video Brander you can make use of the sales page video and incorporate it into your article or blog post.
This has many advantages, no cost to you, no time spent producing the video and not even the techie knowledge on how to make videos. As long as you receive permission to show the video, and why wouldn’t you as the product owner wants to sell as much product as possible, all you have to do is show the video and collect the affiliate commissions
Most movies available on Google Video can be embedded on any web page. If the option is available for the video, there will be a link next to it that gives you the embed code.
If you create a niche site that has plenty of videos available at Google Video and build the site with WordPress you can quickly have a site where you can continuously add new content, much loved by Google. You can find videos about dogs, martial arts and DIY just to name a few.
Create a post for each video, write some text about what is covered in the video and make it interesting. Add Google AdSense ads and/or related product affiliate links to the post and also include an opt in box to capture your viewers email address to notify them of new videos and related offers.
If this proves successful then you can research another niche and start an additional site..
Once you have experience of making your own videos and have the confidence and equipment required then contact some of your local businesses and show them the benefits of adding video to their websites or starting a website if they do not have one already. I know of a pest control website in the USA which has increased business by displaying funny videos about, you guessed it, pests.
Obvious potential clients would be Realtors, Hotels, Leisure Centers and Car Dealers. It is advisable to license the videos to your clients as it would cost them less to start with and encourage more business, especially once they start to benefit from your input.
Create your own website promoting your services and start advertising in the local press and at the venues of local business and society meetings. Print up business cards to pass aroundound.
When you are hosting your own videos or paying for a paid web video service then you have control over your videos and can add redirect URLs to the video to take your viewers to your affiliate partners.
You cannot add redirect URLs to videos submitted to YouTube and other free video sharing sites or video syndication sites.
Now you’ve learnt the above 5 great ways to make your own video with great profit.
Video Production Equipment: The Directors Cut
Advances in video production equipment technologies combined with the increased emergence of digital video, as an acceptable medium for film has made it possible for almost anyone to become a film director. Currently the cost of film and film equipment is beyond the reach of most starters. However, video production equipment is relatively low cost and can be mastered fairly easily. Even though there is a great deal more to film that just equipment, the ready availability of video production equipment has encouraged many amateurs to give film a try. Understanding the basics of video production equipment is the first step to becoming the next George Lucas.
As you prepare to make a video it is a good idea to to review what video production equipment is required for filming and make sure you have your requirements. Some common video production equipment products needed for creating a professional looking film include:
After the video is recorded, extra video production equipment is required for editing and finalizing a video into a finished article. Professional quality editing equipment can give your video the touch that separates it from home video or amateur attempts. These video editing tools include:
If you decide to go into making your own video production using the right equipment will help you to produce video of a high quality and standard. Who knows eventually you may find a way into the world of film making.
If you are concentrating your efforts on marketing with video, one major part of the strategy is ‘ranking’ the video high in the search engine results. If videos show up in the search results, they are more likely to get clicked than the listings that are just plain text.
Below we’ll discuss the methods that will ensure your videos will get top search rankings.
Driving traffic to your videos is as simple as driving the traffic to other pages. The methods listed here may only apply to video, but chances are that they are not methods that are new to you. One thing that should ease your mind is that search engines have yet to be developed that can index the content of videos. The end result of this is that there are fewer things that need to be done to increase search engine rankings, but all should be optimized as much as possible. To ensure the fastest “organic” search traffic you will want to focus on keywords that generate the highest search volume while coming up with the lowest amount of competing videos in the search engines. Make certain that you have used your keyword phrase in the filename of the video as well as in the description and title when you are uploading your video to sites like YouTube.
Use these options wisely, as they are the only parts of the video page that you can influence. Ensure that you build backlinks to each video, using anchor-text that is keyword rich. By doing this you will ensure that your video not only gets traffic, but that it gets ranked by the search engines as well. In order to drive additional traffic it’s always helpful to use your own network when promoting video.
Sharing your video on Facebook or Twitter, or even in a blog or sending links by email are all good ways to ensure your video gets seen. In order to rank higher in a search engine’s results, you can increase your videos views and comments by sending your own traffic. The more views your video receives; the more comments that it generates; the higher your video will be ranked by the search engines. With this sort of encouragement your video will eventually receive enough views that the traffic can explode; a process known as “going viral”. Using “video responses” is another means by which you can market your video and increase site traffic. Many video sharing sites allow you to use a video as a reply to an already posted video. Because your response will displaying your video under an already posted (and popular) video, yours will gain exposure by being shown to those who are viewing the original video.
This process will be most effective if you post your video as a response to those videos that already receive a good deal of traffic. This process won’t work as well if you respond to videos that are not very popular. You can ensure that you receive a good amount of traffic to your own video if you post a response to a video that has a high viewing rate.
This shows that there is a lot more to generating traffic than simply posting a video. You may have to “nurse” your video by promoting it until it starts generating its own traffic.
Once you have done the keyword research , checked out the competition, you’re ready to start creating videos optimized for each keyword phrase. Surely they are going to easily rank, in Google — right?
Unfortunately, not for sure. Expecting these kind of results will only lead to frustration. There needs to be one extra step in the keyword research phase. You need to KNOW that it’s possible to rank an optimized video for one particular keyword phrase, before you start putting in the effort of creating the video.
How to tell?
In order to tell if it’s going to be possible to rank your video for a particular phrase, you need to check manually. Copy and paste one of your researched keyword phrases into Google. Any video listings in the search results? If there aren’t, you should forget trying to rank a video for that phrase, it may never happen.
For example. At the time of writing this article, there were no videos for the phrase: “tea tree oil uses”. Even though there were hundreds of videos listed in Google (check by using the “Videos” tab), Google chose not to rank any of them in the first page of the search results.
Now, from this point, you could either dismiss this phrase and try another from your list, or “play around” with the phrase a little. Add or take away words to the keyword phrase to see if any videos appear.
Understanding why Google ranks some videos, but not others…
Try to understand things from Google’s viewpoint. They only want to display a video in the search results if it is going to be useful to the searcher. To continue the above example, after adding the word “directions” to the phrase, (so it would be: “tea tree oil uses directions”) videos appeared in the search results.
If the competition was a little easier, it would be a good idea to go ahead and make a video, and optimize it for that phrase.
Optimizing for your keyword phrase
Continuing this, sometimes the videos themselves give a hint on other keyword phrases that could possibly be ranked for.
After typing in “tea tree oil uses directions”, videos appeared at the bottom of the page in Google. The title of the videos that appeared was “Soap Making Instructions – Tea Tree Oil Soap”, so they were not much related to the phrase I typed in.
Going a step further, I pasted in “tea tree oil soap instructions”. Much better – videos were ranking at position number 2 instead of the bottom of the page. This would be the best keyword phrase to now optimize the video for.
If you are concentrating on gaining search engine traffic from video marketing, using the above technique will be a very useful factor in determining whether it would be worthwhile in creating a video.
It may add an extra step to your keyword research, but the initial efforts will pay off in the long run, and avoid frustration..
If you want to increase traffic to your video, you’ll need to try and get your video to the top of the search engines. Although, you don’t need your video in the top position to ensure that it stands out from the pack and gets high clickthrough rates. If you want your video to dominate the search results, there are three things you need to do.
1. Make Sure You Have the Right Keywords
To begin with, targeting the right keywords will ensure success. Choose unique keyword phrases that have a healthy search volume, but not too much competition. A good thing to look for is that there are already videos ranked for the chosen keyword phrase, as sometimes, big search engines like Google do not include videos in the search results, no matter how well optimized the videos are. Having this information will ensure that you will know how much work needs doing to ensure your video out ranks the competition. Videos that come up in your keyword search results will need to be analyzed to determine just what you will be competing against.
– Analyze the title and description of the video to see what keywords it uses.
– How many views and comments the video has received?
– Use a backlink analysis to determine the number of backlinks the video has, from which sites, and the page rank of the sites.
If you use tools like Backlink Watch or SEO Quake plugin for Firefox you can make tracking backlinks a simple exercise. Don’t be discouraged if you find the videos you analyze prove to be difficult to compete with, just try the next keyword on your list.
2. A Note on Backlinking
In order to make certain that your videos rise to the top of the search engines, you’ll need to make sure that you have backlinks pointing to your video; preferably with keyword-dense anchor text.
Don’t hesitate to use your article marketing skills, social bookmarking techniques, blog comments and networks as well as any backlink services you can think of to get those backlinks.
A good thing about building backlinks to videos is the fact that you don’t need to space them out too much. You can add as many links as you want very quickly. Search engines won’t notice full scale link building efforts, considering the massive amount of backlinks already pointing to the site. Following this advice will enable you to use the type of submission services like Unique Article Wizard, that create large amounts of links in a very brief time period.
3. Syndication and RSS Submission Explained
Nearly every video sharing site generates automatic RSS feeds for each user or video page. You can submit the video feeds generated by using software along the lines of RSS Submit or RSSBot, or you can manually submit them. Two things are working in your favor if you do this.
Firstly, by doing this, each aggregator will generate links that will point back to your video and increase your backlink numbers. The second advantage is that your feed could very possibly be picked up by site creators that use targeted feeds to generate their content. More backlinks to your videos will be generated by doing this.
You can bring your video to the top of the search results by using your keyword phrases; a task that may take some time and effort, but is really quite simple. Your extra efforts will be rewarded when you see how much traffic is generated because of it.
Video marketing can be a blessing and curse. Most internet marketers know how the process works but reach difficulties when it comes to creating the video.
However, there are ways to make it easier to create a good video. Generating decent videos is fairly simple if you use some easy-to-remember methods. These five simple strategies will ensure that you not only create a video that will increase your traffic, but which will go viral while you watch your revenues soar.
Tip #1 – Select The Best Video Subject
Think carefully when considering what your video is going to be about. Getting your video to go viral can be as simple as choosing a particularly controversial topic. You don’t have to make something up to do this. By using the video to make a statement; regardless of your personal take on the issue; you will generate traffic from those who fall on both sides of the issue. Strong feelings for or against your topic can encourage those who support it or who hate it to not only respond to your video but to share it with others.
Tip #2 – How to Create Your Video
Making a video that will generate traffic doesn’t take a performance arts degree. There are many ways to make a simple video; a screen capture video that demonstrates your product, shows your PowerPoint presentation or which gives a demonstration how to do something are all effective methods. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to get started, use Camtasia (30 day trial) or a free program like Camstudio to get started. Either of these will give you what you need without worrying about the cost.
* Camstudio – http: //camstudio. org
* Camtasia – http: //www. techsmith. com/camtasia
The software is very easy to use. Simply press record, start to talk on your subject material, then view the result. Don’t make the video too long though. The shorter your video the more likely people will be to watch the entire thing.
Tip #3 – How to Post Your Video
YouTube is the “800 pound gorilla” of video sharing sites, so you definitely want to post your video there. Sites like Google Video, Vimeo, Metacafe, Revver and Stickam are video sharing sites that are also quite popular and which should be taken into consideration when you are thinking of uploading your video.
Tip #4 – Ways to promote Your Video
Spareading the word about your video comes next. Your video can be promoted to your own social sites like Facebook and Twitter, and promoted to your email list (if you own one).
Consider all the places you visit where people seem interested in what you have to say, you can include a link to your video on any of these places. Don’t be shy about asking people to do you a favor by subscribing to your channel or clicking on “like”. The more people you share your video with, the more people they will share it with, and soon your video will go viral. If you are lucky your video will reach more and more people every day. You’ll find your video reaching “critical mass” by using these steps.
Tip #5 – Don’t Give Up
You can’t expect that every video you post is going to be a success. The most effective method is to never give up. Continue to submit new videos. Keep the channels of communication open; people who have commented on your video are more likely to comment again if they get a response from you. Keep your old videos fresh in people’s minds by continually promoting them. The tipping point for sending your video viral can be reached by consistently following these methods that will increase your videos views and comments. By which means you will easily gain more traffic and will increase the amount of money that you make.
Many marketers who begin video marketing for the first time, think that all they have to do is upload a bunch of videos, and the traffic will automatically come pouring in.
Even though the internet video is growing at an extremely rapid rate, it’s not always that easy to tap into. Many have stated that it’s actually the complete opposite. Millions of new videos are being uploaded on a daily basis, yours could soon get buried and forgotten.
However, that’s only if you do not know how to optimize your videos effectively. Below there are three vital things that need to be applied to your videos that will increase traffic and view counts.
1. Keyword Phrase Optimization
Keyword optimization is not something you usually think about when it comes to video marketing. That’s because the search engines are not able to scan the spoken words in the video (well, not yet anyway).
However, you need to put into perspective the way the video *pages* are setup.
Optimizing a video is much the same as optimizing an article or other web pages. you have the ability to alter the title, file name and description of the video submission.
Below are a couple of vital things that need to be optimized with each video submission. it’s important to include the keyword phrase in the following 3 places:
a) The title of the video
b) Video description. the keyword phrase itself should be included as the first words.
c) The file name of the video (the name the video is saved as before uploading)
When it comes to publishing videos, most people neglect to optimize them — they simply upload them ‘as is’. by the simple act of optimizing videos for certain keyword phrases, it will put you miles ahead of the pack.
2. Tagging videos
Adding tags to videos will also help optimize them. This gives the opportunity to add more related keyword phrases to the video page without coming accross as ‘spammy’. This is an advantage, as trying to stuff extra keywords into the video title and description will often make it unreadable.
The most effective way to do this is find other *popular* videos in your niche with a high view count, and use the same tags.
Doing this increases the chances of your video showing up as a related video, which is shown at the end of the competing video, and sometimes in the sidebar, bringing your video more traffic.
This is very easy to do. it’s a simple case of checking the bottom of the other video to see what tags have been used. no other research is required.
3. Adding backlinks
Building links to your video page is the last tip. Just like before, it’s much the same process you would go through to optimize your own websites.
You don’t have to go too far in garnering backlinks, unless you’re trying to rank for a particularly competetive keyword term. it’s best to simply do some article submissions with the resource box linking to the video, along with a little social bookmarking.
When you’re trying to rank your video for a particular keyword phrase, one thing that will help is to use the actual phrase (and related phrases) as the anchortext of the link for about 70% of the links.
You now know how simple it is to optimize your video submissions. All it comes down to now is taking action. many people are lazy when it comes to this sort of thing, so putting in the extra few minutes for each video will benefit your results massively in the long run..